Imperfect Recipes
I’ve always dreamed of writing the book of my dreams. You won’t believe it, but publishers haven’t been knocking on my doors and offering me a truckload of money to let whatever ideas I have in my head onto the globe.
So, this year, I took the matter into my own hands. I took a short time out from writing about food and cooking other people and decided to concentrate on myself for a while.
This was never a profit-making project but rather a goal that I set out to complete my list. I discuss this in some detail in the book, but there were plenty of positives that came from writing this. I became a better cook. I also saved lots of money since I stopped eating out more often, and I also found a new best buddy known as Marty (this is what I refer to as the K-Mart air fryer).
The current version isn’t finished and has some flaws (just as I wanted). I’ll keep working with new dishes, features, and stories that may be added to this book (look at Imperfect Recipes Vol.2 The Sequel).
Download it here, and please, please share everything you cook, how I could enhance the design (trust me when I say it’s not perfect), and any other information you’d like to include.
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