Fish and Shellfish: How Food Affects Health
The sea’s fruits, such as shellfish and fish, are among the finest lean protein sources -so long as you don’t fry them or submerge them in butter!
Shellfish and fish are fantastic sources of lean protein. Protein can help fill you up and keep you content, enabling you to achieve your weight loss objectives by making less likely on high-calorie snack foods between meals. Protein can also help keep blood sugar levels in check, which boosts mood and helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
Some shellfish and fish are rich in minerals and vitamins, such as selenium and vitamin B12, iron, niacin, and zinc. Selenium is an antioxidant that can aid in managing arthritis and keep good skin and hair. At the same time, vitamin B12 could help decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and slow memory decline. Niacin is a vitamin B that can help with cataract prevention. The iron-rich clams, oysters, and shrimp may aid in maintaining healthy hair. The zinc content of crabs and oysters helps keep beautiful hair and healthy skin while reducing the chance of developing macular degeneration.
Certain shellfish are rich in diet-related cholesterol and should be consumed in moderation for those with high LDL cholesterol levels (if you suffer from excessive cholesterol, consult your doctor about the amount you can eat).
The fish that is preserved, smoked, canned, or picked is generally very high in sodium and is recommended for those who suffer from high blood pressure. If you have migraines, take note that the same varieties of fish, such as anchovies, caviar, lox, pickled herring, and sardines, are also migraine triggers.
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