6 Habits to Improve the Quality of Your Life
In this modern and super busy age, the idea of a peaceful, fulfilled life of happiness seems like an odd fantasy. You rely on coffee to get you through the day, you get winded after climbing a flight of stairs, you’re always in a rush, always tired, always procrastinating because chores seem so overwhelming and juggling work, family, and you social life seems impossible. Finding motivation to make improvements sometimes feels like trying to climb a mountain. It’s all such a long, arduous process to get things done that giving up just seems like the best option. But quitters never got anywhere in life, and you know this. You’re better than that, and you’re going to figure this out and come on top. We’re just here to help.
How can being kind to others improve your own life? Because it reminds you that you’re not all alone in the world, and it helps you let go of the selfish impulses. Selfishness is something that benefits people only in the short term. In the long run, it alienates people from you, and it frankly makes you miserable. You start thinking your problems are a lot bigger than they really are. But go to a homeless shelter, go to a nursing home and open your eyes to people who on most nights when beds are not available don’t have anywhere safe to rest their head or have severe dementia and cannot even remember their own name.
Go look at the life of a person with terminal illness and see their limitations. It certainly puts things in perspective to see a brilliant little kid who only wishes they had money to buy books for school. And the best thing about all this sadness? You can help. It humbles you; it tugs at your heart strings and there’s so much that can be done. Volunteering to protect and save the environment, help put smiles on children’s faces, or support your local community will improve the quality of your life like nothing else.
Social media is really fun and it’s a great way to stay in touch with your friends and family, but it’s also frequently a place full of drama, clickbait titles, and people spewing venom at each other. Once a day, for at least an hour or two, turn your phone off. Turn your computer off, your tablet, any electronics that divides your attention and just go do something else. Allow yourself to be surrounded by something other than bright screens even meditate perhaps?
From sleeping better to eating better, we all need to pay more attention to our general health if we want to stay strong and have the energy to get through the day. If you don’t take care of yourself, issues with your health, looks and overall confidence will arise, and you simply deserve to do everything you need to stay well. Learn how to cook delicious, healthy recipes, get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, and try to be regular with your health check-ups.
This ties in with the previous point nicely, because exercising is the best way to make sure you stay fit and look just the way you want to look. Here’s the thing, though: you don’t have to go to the gym. If motivation is your problem, then try finding something that you actually like more than going to the gym. Why not stay at home? You don’t need much to exercise effectively: a couple of dumbbells, some quality bodybuilding clothes to help prevent injury, and a fun, cool workout program. The point is, don’t think of exercising as a chore. Sign up for kickboxing or yoga, or maybe Latino dance classes– just find something that draws you in.
You need a good way to handle stress. You need some time during the week that will help you refocus and gain back your strength, and this can be anything from getting a massage, to taking a short nap in the afternoon – or both! Perhaps you’re a beauty and makeup addict, in which case organise a spa day! Beauty rituals enhance not only our looks, but our confidence as well, and they can feel so good, especially if you invite your friends over and give each other manicures as you catch up and sip on wine.
Read books! Books are amazing because they’re incredibly good at opening our eyes, at teaching us new things. Take online courses, or ask your grandma to teach you how to cook. Learn how to do decoupage and make jewellery and then display it proudly around the house, or even sell it. Always wanted to learn how to speak French? Try Duolingo a language learning platform ! It’s free and easy to use. Never stop learning; never stop improving, because having skills makes all the difference when it comes to confidence and your self worth.
Never forget that it’s okay to stumble occasionally. Forming good habits takes time, and if you slip, that’s okay. Just don’t give up, keep pushing, find that dormant strength and passion within you to make positive changes and lead the life you want to lead.
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